Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mississippi mud

My friends made a package of Mississippi mud bars.

It was more like a dried slab of splotchy earthen material.

But it sure smelled awesome!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good stuff

If I was a big man with a regular job, what kind of job would I have?

Maybe I'd be a big rig driver, traversing the country.

I'd drive long hours, picking up and delivering loads of good stuff.

I'd have to stop at those awesome weigh stations along the highways.

Remember:  Good stuff.  Trucks bring it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Clone me

I decided to make a clone of myself.  Out of plastic, of course.  Any other material wouldn't be true to myself.

I outlined my clone on a sheet of plastic.

Then I colored my clone in.

I'm totally awesome; I colored inside the lines!

I then cut my clone out.

How big my clone was!  But not for long!  Into the oven he went to shrink.

Well, he's still a bit bigger than me.  But we are totally awesome!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Box o' chocolates

Life is not like a box of chocolates for some people.  

For example, one of my big friends cuts chocolates in half before eating them, if at all.

Never fear, this box of chocolates had an awesome insert with pictures and descriptions.

These awesome Chocolatier Blue chocolates looked exquisite!

If life were like these chocolates, life would be shiny and glittery. 

Although I can't relate to life being glittery, Mariah Carey probably can.  On the other hand, my awesome plastic self is quite shiny.  Look at me shine in the box of chocolates!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fooling the eyes

I enjoyed this book, Colorful Optical Illusions, by Aki Nurosi.

My eyes and brain got a good workout. 

It was totally awesome seeing how colors can fool the eye. 

It was also a lot of work flipping the pages.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


My friend holds onto things far too long.  For example, this strawberry:

I was able to convince my friend to part with it. Into the compost pile it went. Composting is awesome!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Raku rocks Part II

After polishing off the first few plates of sushi, my big friends and I ordered some more.

A hand roll.

Some awesome tempura.

And more sushi.  More!

I was ravenous.

I ate so much, I passed out.  But only briefly! 

I couldn't miss out on dessert!  Fried banana, donuts, and a sesame ball.  Totally awesome.  Raku rocked!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Raku rocks Part I

A little man's gotta eat.  So I accompanied my big friends to Raku Sushi, an all-you-can-eat restaurant in West Sacramento.

I rode my awesome red bike on the dashboard of the car as they drove to Raku.

At Raku we each chose some items off the menu to order, then waited. It's all-you-can-eat, but it's also made-fresh-to-order.

While I waited, I took a bike ride across the table.

Then I enjoyed some awesome green appetizers.

Yes!  My sushi arrived. 

This was only round one, though.  I couldn't wait for round two!

Monday, August 22, 2011

At the bottom

I fell into a glass bottle today. 

After the searing pain in my back subsided, I managed to stand up.

Luckily one of my big friends came by a few hours later and poured me out.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Star diving

All a little man needs to go star diving: A box of pasta.

Step 1: Open the box.

Step 2: Get in proper form on the diving board.

Step 3: Jump and dive into the stars.

Star diving is awesome!

Would you like a star?  I've got plenty to share.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pork fat

I fell asleep in my awesome bed Friday night but woke up in a pile of pork fat Saturday morning.

Today is not a good Saturday for me.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Delicious dinner Part III: Lovely lasagna

I love lasagna.

You know who else loves lasagna? Garfield.

I got hot pants sitting on the baked lasagna.  But wowie, it smelled awesome!  The lasagna, that is.  Although I'm sure my spiffy yellow pants smell awesome, too.

Dinner was absolutely delicious!  I had second helpings of everything.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Delicious dinner Part II: Grievous greens

Leafy greens are good for you!

Unless you're in danger of losing your lower limbs when someone grabs the reins of chopping those greens.

I was then tossed into the salad spinner and spun around with the lettuce.

Whoa!  I felt a little nauseous after the spinning stopped.

Can you find me amongst the greens?  I've got great camouflage.

Sitting on a crouton is much better than being spun in the salad spinner.