Monday, May 7, 2012

A taste of Mexico, China, and Japan

I had a most awesome time exploring downtown Los Angeles!

See those unusual sideways planters in the background?  They were full of super cool succulents.

Sitting on a bench in the Olvera Street marketplace, which was teeming with big people.  Actually, Los Angeles as a whole is teeming with tons of big people.

Then it was on to Chinatown!

Lots of red in Chinatown.  Red is supposed to mean good luck, right?  Well, a green shirt and yellow pants mean super awesome good luck!  Try wearing that and find out.

I stopped for an ice cold drink from a small shop called Lollicup.  Mmm, slurp.

My last stop in downtown was Little Tokyo.  Everything was awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Why do you always wear the same clothes?
