For those of you who know me, I am one awesome book worm! There's nothing like cracking open a good book on the weekend. My biggest issue, though, is sometimes those books, while awesome, smell weird. Well, problem solved! I received my Amazon Kindle today in the mail! I, of course, got the one without advertisements because I am awesome. I took some photos so you can see how cool the Kindle is.
Wow, the Kindle is quite large! Well, for you normal-sized people, it is nice and light and just the right size to enjoy while swinging on the front porch.
Like any normal schmoe, I enjoy a good scare. What better than the works of Edgar Allan Poe. He writes some scary stuff! However, he is one awesome dude! Too bad he is dead...
Reading might appear daunting but the benefits for your brain are incredible!
I admit sometimes reading makes me sleepy. The Kindle makes an awesome bed! Nighty-night!