These gummies are made in Japan.
According to the package, "The gorgeous taste of fully ripened pineapple imposing as a southern island king crowned in glory, is yours to enjoy in every soft and juicy Kasugai Pineapple Gummy Candy."
I can't say I know what all of that means but never mind the weird blurb on the package; it was time to pop the package open and get to the gummies!
Opening one of the individually wrapped gummies.
Behold the southern island king's glory! His glory is shaped like... a heart. How spiffy!
I gobbled down the pineapple gummy. It was absolutely "gorgeous" tasting! Gummy candies rock! They're downright gummy-licious!
Too bad you're not a gummy. Then I could just leave you out in the hot sun and you'd melt...but I could probably just toss you into an oven and turn it on and then you'd melt....