Might as well get in some eating while I'm alive. And boy, oh, boy, were these croissants tasty! Let's throw our arms up in the air for La Bou croissants!
And let's throw our arms up in the air for being on one of the most deadly beaches in California! Well, at least that's what the sign said.
Where was I? Why, I was at Sonoma Coast State Beach near Goat Rock.
The beach is only deadly if someone goes into the water. That would explain why zero big peeps were in the water.
All of the big peeps and little peeps (me!) stayed on the sand, as did the seagulls in the distance in the above photo and the harbor seals in the background of the below photo.
It was awesome, sunny, and windy at Sonoma Coast State Beach.
This was one deadly beach that rocked! Awesome!
I hear that you're deadly, too. One look from your black dots-of-eyes, and BAM! the person is dead.