Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rubbery, not buttery

I unpacked my picnic lunch.

This table was splendid!  It was perfect in size and color!

What to start off with?

Croissants!  I found them to be a little rubbery and dense rather than buttery and flaky.

Then I had a couple of hot dogs.  They were kind of tough and chewy.  The fact that the buns were the same color as the hot dogs was a bit disconcerting.  But I ate them anyway.

Soon all I had left was a sole stiff slice of wheat bread.  I tried feeding it to a duck but the duck wouldn't eat it.  So I ate it  -- the bread, that is, not the duck.


  1. Yum! I wish I was there to eat some of that delicious looking food with you! Next time, Little Man, next time!

  2. We shall do battle in a food eating contest! You are going down Pequeño Hombre!
